Predicting the Future
“Whether you wonder what the future of work looks like for you or the next generations, Futurist Sabrina Sullivan will help you get excited and inspired by the changes coming. What is a Futurist? They help systematically explore predictions and possibilities for the future and how they can emerge. She’ll help explain how digital transformation in education ensures students understand what markets they will need to fill and then match their future of learning to those markets. Sabrina also knows that risk and dystopian concepts are necessary ingredients when thinking through the different future scenarios we might greet.”
CollisionsYYC Current & Critical Episode 230: Predicting the Future - A super power we can all have”
Corporate Foresight
“Today's podcast is the first of a two-part interview with Sabrina Sullivan and Sheryl Connelly, both being futurists at Ford. They clock trends and patterns in consumer behavior so Ford can best plan for the future of motor vehicles. Today we discuss what Futurism is and how it works within Ford Motors.”
Digital Oil + Gas Episode 210 and 212 (2 Part Series)
Diverse Ideas + Inspiration
“Sabrina spends a lot of time thinking about complex problems and asking questions about them. Whether it’s the impact of AI avatars in education, focusing on improving accessibility and meeting special needs, or asking who’s responsible for ensuring learners are employable after post-secondary, Sabrina is wildly curious about how to solve these problems. Her ability to challenge her assumptions and seek out diverse opinions are two tools she uses to connect disparate ideas and consider opportunities. No matter what vertical you work in, or what title you hold, this episode will provide you with crucial insights to effective problem solving for the future..”
CollisionsYYC Current & Critical Episode 335: SXSW & SXSW Edu - Post Event Debrief